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Why Data Literacy Increases Productivity Among Employees

Why Data Literacy Increases Productivity Among Employees

Merav Yuravlivker is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Data Society.

Organizational leaders have long recognized the benefits of data literacy in making strategic and operational decisions. However, mounting evidence suggests that employers and employees alike are gaining an appreciation for the role data literacy can play in improving job performance throughout the workforce. After all, the outcome of every effort really is the product of a series of decisions.

With the ubiquity of available data and the proliferation of tools to help organizations tap into it, the possible applications of data analytics across departments and roles are likewise expanding. It is difficult to imagine any process that could not be streamlined—or any job function that could not be performed with greater aplomb—given adequate access to and fluency with data.

It seems the notion that data-science proficiency is correlated with improved work performance finds support among both employers and employees. Data-literate workers have access to a vast array of tools that can help them exceed their supervisors’ existing expectations, achieve organizational objectives and find greater fulfillment in their work. By elevating staff productivity and efficiency to new levels, data literacy can be a catalyst for an enterprise-wide boost in employee confidence and engagement.

From the employee perspective, many workers perceive data literacy to be a powerful driver of improved job performance. The “Lead with Data” report published by Qlik notes that 85% of workers who consider themselves data-literate report that they are performing very well at work, compared to only 54% of their less data-savvy colleagues. Also, as Qlik’s report indicates, among survey respondents, most workers who are equipped with the skills to effectively leverage data resources credit these assets with improvements in their work output: “Most people using data in their current job role agree that data helps them do their job better (94%) and they also believe that greater data literacy would give them more credibility (82%) in the workplace.”

From the employer perspective, the edge that workers gain from data literacy manifests in a number of performance-related indicators. For example, the ability to extract relevant insights and apply them to business problems promotes more immediate and self-assured decision-making. This valuable attribute is key to reducing error and accelerating workflow, as it decreases the lag time between contemplation and informed action, and statistics support this assumption. According to “Building Data Literacy,” a Forrester report commissioned by Tableau, 58% of employers say data-literate employees make better decisions than non-data-literate employees, and 54% say data-literate employees make faster decisions, as well. In addition, the same report indicates that 94% of decision-makers at a high level of data maturity say data literacy leads to increased innovation in their departments.

Data literacy can also guide workers and managers toward a deeper understanding of the variables that drive performance measures. As technologies that aid in productivity and efficiency continue to evolve, so also do opportunities to more precisely track work habits and analyze how they relate to work outcomes. The notion of monitoring minute details of workers’ behaviors is understandably distasteful to many employers and employees at first blush. However, as noted in an article by Jeremy Schwartz, COO of Pandora in 2018, performance monitoring can and should be implemented in a way that protects the identities of individuals and focuses on “how teams, functions and customers operate as a collective.”

Schwartz further points out that such tracking of efficiency and productivity ultimately benefits workers. Data-literate employees are poised to launch their own performance-improvement initiatives, autonomously analyzing their task-management behaviors and discovering insights into how they can produce better results in less time.

Technologies that help us tackle all types of work in quicker and more efficient ways have made incredible strides over time. Yet, the time-honored refrain, “Work smarter, not harder,” remains relevant. Workforces that not only have access to the relevant data but possess the data literacy to transform it into meaningful insights can fully leverage the technologies of today’s workplaces in order to work smarter in every task they undertake.

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