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62% Of ‘Elden Ring’ Players Haven’t Beaten The Boss You Need To Start ‘Shadow Of The Erdtree’

Elden Ring is about to drop its Shadow of the Erdtree DLC in two weeks, and this is…not a traditional expansion release. Rather than everyone being able to immediately log on and play no matter where you are in the game, FromSoft has said specifically that you have to beat a current boss in order to even start Shadow of the Erdtree.

That boss is Mogh, Lord of Blood. You must kill him in order to be able to enter the new realm to start Shadow of the Erdtree, and according to Steam achievements, that’s only 37.8% of players. So, ~62% of current players cannot even start the DLC as of right now. Even Bandai Namco has commented on that figure specifically, saying effectively, yeah you really gotta get moving, guys:

I guarantee you there will be a significant amount of players who do not know this ahead of time, and will log on thinking they can immediately go into Erdtree. With that said, if you have not beaten Mohg, then I guess technically that’s going to be new content for you as well.

So, how do you find Mohg in the first place?

  • Mohg, Lord of Blood is found in the underground in a region called Mohgwyn Palace. You can see it in the distance from other places in the underground but you cannot reach it from there.
  • Rather, there are two ways to get in, one is a PvP quest from Varre, a long quest you get early on from an NPC near the start of the game.
  • The second way is a teleporter found in the west side of the Consecrated Snowfield, and you can find that on the map below. This is probably the easier way, though many people may have already at least started the Varre quest.

I am extremely curious how players might react to this starting condition if they have not seen the requisite tweets and articles about how this is going to work. That said, I imagine if you are a dedicated enough player to be interested in buying Shadow of the Erdtree, odds are you may have already beaten Mohg in your playthrough. As in, I guarantee it won’t be 62% of Erdtree owners who cannot start it immediately.

Mohg is a tough fight, but not the worst in the game. There’s not really a singular guide for him given all the possible builds in the game, but as ever, you will have to learn his attack patterns and your own windows for when it’s possible to strike. After he’s dead, yep, you’re ready to go for Erdtree.

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